Art for Space / Space for Art?, the 6th Alumni Exhibition of the School, will be showcasing site-specific works proposed and created by alumni of the School's academic programmes. It explores how the Gallery's space artistically inspires the alumni, and how their creative energy adorns the Gallery’s space with different levels of meanings. Date: 18/3-22/4/2017

“Art for Space / Space for Art?”- the 6th Hong Kong Art School's Alumni Exhibition | Exhibition’s Opening: 17/3 (Friday) 7pm |

每次搬屋都令我留下很深刻的印象,亦發生的故事如今只可以想像重現,在我一步一步長大,經歷和知識多了,過去的回憶和印象都淡忘,所遺留的痕跡都會漸漸消失。 為什麼經常發夢都會夢見自己過去的屋宇,夢中所呈現的地點和周圍物件都十分清晰?或許是因為存在感、我的經歷和情感投射、一種無法斷開的連繫⋯⋯亦當我有時候經過此地方,腦袋都會出現過去的影像和想起發生過的事件。想在此重遊之地,尋找靈感和探討虛實之間的關係。 藝術作為一個日常任務,也是我們每天學習的, 這個展覽展示學習藝術和藝術本身的關係。透過塑膠彩的物料利用線、色調、形狀、形式、質感和色彩來創造自己獨特場景。以情感與理性思考生活和反思畫作信 息,大量的平塗色塊,強烈的色彩與情感訴求的對比,表現抽象的動態與靜止。

Art for Space / Space for Art?, the 6th Alumni Exhibition of the School, will be showcasing site-specific works proposed and created by alumni of the School's academic programmes. It explores how the Gallery's space artistically inspires the alumni, and how their creative energy adorns the Gallery’s space with different levels of meanings. Date: 18/3-22/4/2017